Sunday, 2 August 2021
"60 Minutes" Credibility Trashed — Slanders Doctors Who Dare To Have Success Healing Without Vaccines
The opening segment of "60 Minutes" on Sunday night (one of the mainstream media that we are supposed to trust without question because of their allegedly unblemished integrity and consistent high quality intensively researched content) discussed Covid-19 vaccine hesitancy, which one "expert" described as "a pandemic of misinformation" and "wild rumours" caused (in his opinion) by so-called "anti-vaxxers" and in a very cleverly produced segment rich in obviously deliberately provocative emotional content and plays on words with carefully picked personalities.
[Ed.: Can't help wondering how much each one got paid for their performance.]

It was a seriously blatant attempt to scare and coerce the unsuspecting unvaccinated into gratefully and cheerfully taking the supposedly very safe jab and save every precious soul on earth (from a virus that most people have a 99.9% chance of surviving, even without a vaccine.).

Deputy Chief Health Officer Nick Coatsworth couldn't understand why people are so hesitant to get vaccinated and quoted AstraZeneca's risk of death as one person in a million who could die from the innoculation of their product.

Dr Coatsworth doesn't seem to understand that that particular one person is either someone's mother, father, son or daughter, sister or brother. That one person per million is equal to somebody's 100%, but that doesn't matter because according to Dr Coatsworth so many people get killed one way or another every year and a few more won't make any difference.

Perhaps it would be more meaningful to Dr Coatsworth if that unfortunate person happened to be one of his family members or friends.

Isn't just one unnecessary death too many?

What he doesn't mention is the hundreds of thousands, potentially tens of millions or even billions, that are left with an immune system that is permanently damaged, plus multiple serious health problems such as Bell's Palsy, Guillain-Barre syndrome, acute disseminated encephalomyelitis, transverse myelitis, encephalitis/myelitis/encephalomyelitis/meningoencephalitis/meningitis/ encepholapathy; convulsions/seizures; stroke; narcolepsy and cataplexy; anaphylaxis; acute myocardial infarction; myocarditis/pericarditis; autoimmune disease; pregnancy and birth outcomes; non-anaphylactic allergic reactions; thrombocytopenia; disseminated intravascular coagulation; venous thromboembolism; arthritis and arthralgia/joint pain; kawasaki disease; multi system inflammatory syndrome in children; and vaccine enhanced disease.

He is very careful not to reveal that the vaccine is still very much experimental, does not stop the virus, does not stop you catching the virus, does not stop you spreading the virus, so tell us again, exactly what does it do?

It allegedly prevents the severity of an infection (which scientists tell us the average person has more than a 99.9% chance of surviving without a vaccine.) But mind you, there is no guarantee of that though, right?


And if it injures, maims or kills me or any member of my family, I can't claim damages from AstraZeneca, right?


And the government won't really assist me or members of my family if I'm injured, permanently maimed or killed, right?


Obviously he hasn't done his homework or met any victims face-to-face or seen any of the evidence of real people's very real personal experiences.

All but two of the above adverse effects are listed on the FDA's working list of possible adverse event outcomes, and he wonders why people are vaccine hesitant?

Then to justify himself he glibly points out that there are lots of medications in common use which are 'safe but not without risk'.

About the only comment worth noting in this segment was the statement that apparently some very dangerous ungrateful Australians are suffering from "decision paralysis and confusion."

Hardly surprising, due to the amount of "misinformation" the mainstream news is spruiking, and the amount of truthful scientific facts they are being very careful not to broadcast.

That is a fact, not an opinion.

Next stop, a hospital in Arkansas which we are told has one of the highest unvaccinated populations in the USA and highest number of corona virus patients, and a slightly emotional Dr Ryan Dare tells us in very sincere seriousness (regarding the vaccines): "We have a cure essentially. This is about as good as it gets."

Really? Obviously another uneducated "professional" who isn't talking to his neighbours in other states, or other countries like India, Indonesia, the Czech Republic, Bolivia, Honduras, Peru, Slovakia, South Africa, Argentina and Zimbabwe where they are having 100% – or very close to it – healing success rates without using any of the vaccines or causing death or serious harm.

In his own country, one very experienced doctor, Dr Stella Emmanual, treated over 350 patients over a 3-month period with a 15-year-old remedy without the loss of a single one. Not one patient has had to be hospitalised and/or died. People with high blood pressure, people with diabetes, elderly people, people who were frightened witless thinking they were about to die. Nobody has died.

Another world famous US doctor, a Nobel Prize nominee, Dr Vladimir Zolenski, has successfully treated over 6,000 patients via his clinic using FDA approved medications.

These are just two, but there are thousands more doctors in multiple countries around the world, in Mexico, India, Argentina to mention just a few, who have followed their lead, taken their hippocratic oath seriously, to "do no harm".

The ignorant Dr Dare finishes by arrogantly stating that he "hopes Australia learns from Arkansas complacency."

No, no, no "professionals" and "60 Minutes", this is Australia. There are still plenty of us that are capable of doing our own research and we aren't stupid. We know when we have been sold a lemon!

This program would have been really laughable, if it wasn't so serious. People are dying and being seriously and permanently damaged by these experimental concoctions. Think about that,
Dr Coatsworth, Dr  Ryan and "60 Minutes".

More than a year ago one of Australia's leading scientists, Dr Thomas Borody, announced a practical and inexpensive solution to this virus and was instantly rebuffed by a totally ignorant health minister and obviously his recommendations have been ignored because people are still dying and being injured by being forced to allow their bodies to be defiled with these disgusting experimental concoctions.

Australia's doctors and scientists who are not questioning the government's incredibly irresponsible and destructive vaccination program should all hang their head in shame. This virus has been with us for over 18 months now and they are all lagging behind the best doctors in the world.

The AMA and AHPRA have a lot of explaining to do. With all the modern communications facilities we have today, how could they be so uninformed about the rapid developments that are taking place in the medical arena world-wide and what success other medical practitioners are having?

All those involved, from the Federal Government, the medical and hospital fraternity, the police and the military, all the way down to those administering these extemely toxic vaccines, all have blood on their hands for the disgusting way they have handled this event and the day will surely come when they will each be held accountable for their actions.

As one top-rating American TV personality recently exclaimed: "Hitler would have been very proud of you!"

Wonder what excuse they will plead when they meet their Creator face to face?