Hypocritical MP Uses Misinformation
To Gag Fellow Members of Parliament  — 
34 Ignorant Senators Exposed

11 August 2021  —  In an almost unbelievable act of hypocrisy and ignorance, and despite the best advice of some of the world's leading public health experts, Senator Wong filed a motion in the Senate condemning Senator Canavan and Senator Rennick for allegedly spreading misinformation and undermining the actions of Australians to defeat COVID-19.


In an alarming display of ignorance on the topic, the uneducated and misinformed senator rejected statements that "masks don't work", "lockdowns don't work" and that lockdowns are "doing much more damage to our love of liberty and our political system, that’s the real threat to us now". Statements that just happen to be verifiably true, whether she chooses to believe them or not.


All this despite the overwhelming amount of evidence publicly available to the contrary if you're prepared to look for it.


The shocking extent of the level of ignorance amongst Senate members was also fully exposed when 33 of them voted "Aye". Only four voted "No". They were Senators Roberts, Canavan, Lambie and McMahon.


Here are the full details of the motion:




COVID-19—Health of Australians


Mover: Senator Wong


*1213 Leader of the Opposition in the Senate (Senator Wong): To move—That the Senate—


  • applauds the sacrifices made by the Australian people to keep each other safe;
  • thanks the heroes of the pandemic – our scientists, doctors, nurses, aged care and disability workers, cleaners and other essential workers;
  • joins the House of Representatives in condemning the comments of the Member for Dawson prior to question time on Tuesday, 10 August 2021 designed to use our national Parliament to spread misinformation and undermine the actions of Australians to defeat COVID-19;
  • condemns Senator Canavan’s and Senator Rennick’s repeated use of their public platforms to undermine confidence in public health responses, public health institutions, and the actions of Australians to defeat COVID-19;
  • rejects statements that ‘masks don’t work’, ‘lockdowns don’t work’, that lockdowns are ‘doing much more damage to our love of liberty and our political system, that’s the real threat to us now’, descriptions of our health professionals as ‘dictatorial medical bureaucrats’, and that spread misinformation about Therapeutic Goods Administration approved vaccines; and
  • calls on all parliamentarians to refrain from making ill-informed comments at a time when the pandemic represents a serious threat to the health of Australians.


Chamber: Senate                              Notice Given: 11/08/2021

Harvard Epidemiologist Martin Kulldorff
on Vaccine Passports, the Delta Variant,
and the COVID ‘Public Health Fiasco’
“Vaccine fanatics have done more damage in one year than anti-vaxxers have done in two decades,” says Harvard epidemiologist Martin Kulldorff.

Dr. Martin Kulldorff is a professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School and a biostatistician and epidemiologist at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital. He helped develop the CDC’s current system for monitoring potential vaccine risks, and he is also one of the co-authors of the Great Barrington Declaration, which argued for “focused protection” of the most vulnerable, instead of lockdowns.

In this episode, we sit down with Dr. Kulldorff for a deep-dive on COVID immunity, vaccines, the Delta variant, and why he believes the global COVID response has been the “biggest public health fiasco in history.”

Click here to get the full story.